Rock School, Grade Exam & Performance Certificate Entry Form


Candidate's Details

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(as it will appear on the certificate)

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Your Examination

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Grade Exam or Performance Certificate?†

  • Rockschool offer two types of exams at each grade; graded examinations and performance certificates.
  • Grade exams consist of 3 performance pieces, technical elements and musicianship tests.
  • Performance certificates consist of 5 performance pieces and no other tests or exercises.
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Select your appropriate graded exam from this list.

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Select your appropriate graded exam from this list.

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Select your appropriate graded exam from this list.

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Select your appropriate graded exam from this list.


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*It is not guaranteed that we can avoid these dates

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*Rockschool will endeavour to place you at your preferred town, but cannot guarantee this

Please note that your registration is not complete until payment is received by VCPA. You may be contacted by a VCPA student coordinator to complete your registration by phone.


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0.00 CAD